
About Us

Experience the Power of AI

Created by Data Design Engineering, a world-leading data-based AI solutions provider, IndexAI embodies the latest in our analysis and predictive AI technologies to predict the direction of markets and targets in real-time.
Experience the Power of AI

Prediction Made Simple and Easy

Users can now take advantage of IndexAI’s powerful real-time predictions to customize the targets to their desired needs anywhere and anytime in the world, with a simple click of a button.
And More

New Way of Predicting Market Directions

Unsatisfied with traditional stock and market analysis methodologies that rely heavily on fixed influences, such as exchange rate and related industrial and financial indexes, IndexAI employs a new analysis model based on real-time influence mapping with unfixed influencers with tracing model technologies to predict the trading direction of Forex, indexes, commodities, and many more.
New Way of Predicting Market Directions